Rowing is not just an outdoor sport! Join a hot new trend in indoor group exercise: ergFIT. 45 minutes of full body exercise, music, and fun!
Join us M/W/Th from 6-7pm through December and January! ErgFit will be a combination of erging, weights, and cross-training. If you’re looking to build your strength and stamina in a fun way, then ErgFit will be a great addition to your weekly workout routine. Or if you’re not able to make your normal rowing session in the AM, drop into an ErgFit class!
Members will be able to purchase the Fitness Punch Card ($15) located on iCrew. Once purchased, you can drop into any ErgFit or similar session.
How to use Punch Card:
To use the punch card, go to "Sessions" and find the specific ErgFit you want to drop into, then select "Drop In". Please indicate your attendance by 10am the day of practice, so that coaches can create coaching plans. Prior to ErgFit starting, please open iCrew on your mobile device and "Check In" to practice as you normally do. This debits your punch card balance.