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Youth Council board elected, launching a new era for the Kenmore Community Club

Left: Seth Karlinsey, Jaimie Murray, Avery Evans, Deniz Muhittinoglu, Mari Love, Ashanti Outlaw, Aoki Shipton, Vishan Johnson

The Kenmore Community Club elected the first board of directors for the newly formed Kenmore Community Youth Council (KCYC). A total of eight students from four different Northshore schools made presentations to the KCC Board about why they wanted to serve on the KCYC and what they would like to accomplish with the council.

The visions of what the candidates wanted to see the council accomplish was impressive ranging for providing a place for young bands a place to perform and hone musical skills, to art shows, chamber music groups, and dances.

They all made strong presentations that made the job selecting the 5 councilors for the KCYC a very difficult job and in the end, the KCC board decided to name Avery Evans as Chief Youth Councilor, Akio Shipton as Youth Activities Councilor with Jaimie Murray and Vishan Johnson as alternates, Ashanti Outlaw as Youth Culture Councilor, Deniz Muhttinaglu as Youth Funds Councilor with Seth Karlinsky as alternate, and Mari Love as Youth Communications Councilor.

As a first order of business, chief councilor Avery moved that the three alternates be named to board positions to be named later. That motion was carried unanimously.

Under the guidance of KCC Board member Ms. Fernell Miller, the council will begin meeting on the first Wednesday of each month to plan out activities, communications and events for the coming year.

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