KCC's 2nd Wednesday 'virtual potluck'
Join us for another online story of transformation in Kenmore
Hear how a historic dormitory building located in the vast St. Edwards State Park in Kenmore has been transformed into The Lodge at St. Edward's State Park.
General Manager Jenne Oxford of Columbia Hospitality group will tell the story of how Daniels Real Estate developed the new 84-guestroom hotel, and share the vision of how she will manage it. Seattle-based Daniels Real Estate developed the Starbucks Center, Union Station and the Frye Art Museum. Columbia Hospitality manages such local icon resorts as Chambers Bay and Semiahmoo.
About the Second Wednesday Speaker series and virtual potlucks
The Kenmore Community Club brings an interesting speaker and fascinating topics to the Kenmore Community at 6pm on the second Wednesday of each month in an online streaming event. Tell your friends, share on your social media and then grab a pizza slice and your laptop to join us for this very important discussion.
May 12, 2021 6pm
If you miss the talk, return here afterward to view a recording