Sound Transit is hosting an online open house where members of the public can review the SR 522/NE 145th Stride 3 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project at the 30% design level via an interactive map. The online open house will be available through March 11 at https://sr522brt.participate.online/. The open house is currently available in English, Spanish and Simplified Chinese versions.
The latest plans include
Three new Park-and-Ride garages at:
Lake Forest Park Town Center
Kenmore Park-and-Ride
Downtown Bothell, proposed on the vacant lot south of Pop Keeney Stadium
Stations In Kenmore include:
SR 522 and 61st Avenue NE
SR 522 and 68th Avenue NE
SR 522 and 73rd Avenue NE (at the Kenmore Park-and-Ride)