Nothing like a work party to get to know your neighbors!
No Sept. Potluck, make the leap from supporter to active member: Help clean up and polish the Kenmore Club hall Sept. 20-24
In lieu of the September Potluck, the Kenmore Community Club is inviting volunteers to come down to the club in the evenings the week of Sept. 20 to 24 to help us paint and do annual maintenance.
This is your chance to make the leap from a KCC supporter to and active member. As part of membership in the Kenmore Community Club it's a requirement to participate in some of our activities every year to remain a member in good standing and get all of the benefits that the club offers. The goal of the club is to engage our community through involvement in activities, support of our businesses and non-profits and to generally strengthen the connections people in Kenmore feel toward their community.
Volunteering in September to help with deep cleaning and touch ups at the club is like a two-fer! You get credit for this year and it counts for volunteer time toward next year's membership because we always look for some participation in the prior 12 months when members request a half-price hall rental. That's right, membership includes a half-price rental of the club hall!
Volunteering does not have to be at the Kenmore Community Club, any volunteer work you do in the Kenmore Community counts. If you are looking for other ways to volunteer, check out the Kenmore Community Club Group on Facebook which is the place where we talk about all of our volunteering opportunities including our many food giveaways in partnership with INSP. Or you can volunteer with the City of Kenmore Parks department's Spring or Fall cleanups, or provide support for public events throughout the year.
Participating in club activities is not just volunteering it can also include attending one of our online (and hopefully in-person soon) 2nd Wednesday potlucks with speakers, volunteering to serve on the board of directors, or mentoring our youth council. There are a wide variety of ways to get involved through the club. And as everyone who has done so says, volunteering is rewarding too. You meet your community neighbors, get to know businesses and nonprofits and the things they are doing to make our community a better place to live.
We have one of the largest memberships this year than we've ever had. We're thankful for that and we want to do everything we can to welcome people to go from being supporting members to being active members.