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Elections to be held at Dec. 11 potluck

Updated: Dec 1, 2019

Kenmore Community Club members are urged to get involved and help to keep making the club better and growing by joining the board. All members in good standing are eligible to run for an open board position. This year president David Chin-Evans, vice president Omur Muhittinoglu, treasurer Kathi Straw, secretary Michael O'Leary have agreed to run for another one-year term. Bharati Khandekar and Ron Lackey have agreed to continue to serve their two-year terms as Regular Trustees, while Trustee At Large Nick Freeman is expected to run for another term.

After serving two two-year terms, Regular Trustee Jay Greening has decided to not to continue for another term. Fernell Miller has expressed interest in running for his 2-year Trustee seat.

Consequently, there is an open board position for two-year Regular Trustee, and all members in good standing are encouraged to run for election to the board for the positions of president, vice president, treasurer and secretary, as well as the At Large Trustee position.

If you are interested in serving, contact David Evans before Dec. 10 and specify which position you would like to run for.

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